Help by Donating

All donations $2 and above to HelpingACT are tax deductible.

HelpingACT is endorsed by the ATO as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).
Endorsement details can be found on the
Australian Business Register for HelpingACT.

Do you want to make a real difference? Dental services in Australia are not funded under Medicare so for the most vulnerable in our community, dental work is not affordable which leads to much more severe health and social problems. Donate now.

Every donation will help provide dental services for our homeless friends. Thank you in advance for contributing to this cause, which means so much to all of us.

Donate via bank transfer

Bank: St George Bank
BSB: 112908
Account: 489279325
Account Name: HelpingACT

If you require a tax deductable receipt, submit this request once you have made the transfer and upload the payment receipt.

One-off and recurring credit or debit card payments can be made via this link.
Donors will automatically receive a receipt for tax deduction purposed.